Back to work today

I went back to work today for the first time in what seems like a very long time. I think it seemed even longer to Julie. She said to me today: “Now that you’re feeling a little better, can I just tell you how pathetic you were?” Then she proceeded to make fun of me and breathe heavy through her nose. Thanks luv.

Returning to work was interensting. We fired one of our big vendors because they’ve been continually late with their deliverables. Now others are left to pick up the pieces. It seems to be perpetually in transition there, but the people are good. Plus I got a new monitor and some fancy new computer. That’s worth something, right?

Julie’s still on her housing hunt. I’m still on my bearish rampage. We’ll probably meet somewhere in the middle, but still end up spending more than we should. Julie wants something new. I want something not new, which means that the yard is all done. I’d rather put the money I would have to put into a yard into redoing something in the house that Julie isn’t wild about. We’ll see.

Lucy had her music class again today. She’s still not herself, so was pretty ornery I guess. She was pretty ornery when I got home and pretty much whined herself to sleep. We should have given her the vodka at 7 instead of 9.