She left me

Boo hoo, i know. Julie left yesterday morning for her somewhat-semi-annual pilgrimage to wherever the other 6 sisters happen to be gathering. This year it’s in St. George and it sounds like a rip-roaring time. For them, at least.

We’ve actually been holding out pretty well here at home. Lucy spent most of yesterday asking if she could “go have fun with momma.” Poor girl just thinks her dad is a wacko I’m afraid. I’ve commented a few times to people that I have no idea how Julie gets anything done. My excuse is that I’m trying to work, but it’s really only that. Though it was interesting trying to get on a conference call today.

We’re going to have a fun weekend, I’m sure. The biggest struggles are what to wear, what to eat, and going to bed. Lucy was up until about 11 last night. She is, of course, napping on the couch right now, gearing up for an encore tonight.

Tomorrow morning the 3 oldest girls are going to a birthday party across the street. So that should give me time to pawn Gwenyth off on someone so I can go cut my mullet. It’s pretty bad. I’ll write about all of the other fun things we’ll be doing this weekend. We just have to figure out what they are first.

Julie will be back Sunday night, after I’ve spent church with Gwenyth, Lucy, and the rest of the 2/3 year olds. I’ll be fresh, the house will be spotless, and dinner will be on the table. Or something like that.