Oh the drama

For the 3 or 4 loyal readers, this will hardly come as a surprise. There’s always some self-imposed drama happening in my life. And I secretly love it. Of course even at my most dramatic I can’t compete with what Lucy, Abby, Grace, and Gwen seem to come up with regularly. It’s quite amusing really. Today Julie got these shoes for Gwenyth that squeak every time she takes a step. It’s kind of like those uber-nerdy spiderman shoes that light up when you take a step. So you see little boys nerding around, clomping their feet with every step, showing off the lights. These aren’t quite that annoying, but it’s only been one day. We’ll see what comes of it in a few weeks. But they are pretty cute.

The reason for my reference to the drama is because we’re going to be moving back to Arizona in a few weeks. We’ve got the trucks all lined up, some reliable drivers ready (thanks, Mid), this house is now leased out to someone else starting next month, and we’re ready to go. Except for the fact that we haven’t packed a single thing yet. Maybe it’s our ever-present sense of denial, hoping that something will happen to change the course. Or maybe it’s because we’re so good at it by now. Either way, the next few weeks are going to be interesting.

We’ve had a great time up here. The girls have done so well in their various classes and activities. While we’re certainly disappointed to have to be moving again, I think we both agree that the circumstances are pretty good, all things considered. Lessons learned and all that.

We should be down there by November 3rd. Then the fun begins. I’m most excited about being able to setup the hot tub, instead of seeing it up on its side every morning when I go to work.

12 thoughts on “Oh the drama”

  1. What a wonderful surprise! Won’t believe it until I see the whites of your beautiful eyes.
    I am here to be of any help I can.

    Love you all!
    Grandma, Marilyn

  2. Mikey,

    He means “beefy” in the most brotherly adoring way – like a big hug.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone for Thanksgiving.



  3. Hey Susi can we go thru Moab on the way home and take a quick run down the river just to see what its like when the water is about freezing when you fall in?

  4. Speaking of freezing, our furnace doesn’t work. The AccuWeather thing to the right says 30 degrees currently. It was 61 inside when we woke up. That’s with using a 40 year old space heater from Julie’s parents. I currently have the stove open. Hopefully we’ll have some heat tonight.

    Sean, you mean the spidey shoes? Or Gwannuff’s?

  5. That was Jana posting using my name as a pseudonym. But I’d like to see both. I think Aaron told me Mason has some of those superhero shoes.

    When Michael told me he was flying up to help you drive down, I remembered the first time you did that in 1999. Good memories.

    Looking forward to seeing you guys!

  6. Mikey,

    Since you will be in a hurry, we can just push you off at the bridge and pull you out down stream – no boat required.

    You uncle Mikey has some shoes that squeek when he walks, I hope that qualifies him for the nerdy group.
    He always likes to be part of a group you know.


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