Potty Training and Lake Powell

We decided that Lucy has been in diapers long enough and that it was time to start potty training. It’s been a mild success — she’s actually done very well. The girl needs something to hold her attention, and this sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t. Overall, though, it’s been good.

This is the week that my dad has a share on a Lake Powell houseboat. The boat is called Going My Way, and we’ve been going its way for many years. I think my mom and dad have been going its way for nearly 20 years, which is hard to imagine. Of course they always went during the week of my birthday growing up, which has been the root cause for much counseling ever since. But I digress . . . We decided not to go this year. We realized sometime during the week when Gwenyth was on her 3rd hour of screaming and Lucy just created a puddle in the bathroom that it probably wasn’t going to be our year. It might take the rest of the family another 20 years to recover from that type of a trip, not to mention the “what’s wrong with Brian’s kids?” sentiment they’d all harbor for at least that long. So we’re home.

I put a bunch of new pictures up, mostly of Lucy. There are a few at our Potty Party, which was quite the hit. We were celebrating the donning of “big girl pants.” Very exciting. The pictures are here:


or you should be able to see them to the right.

Tomorrow, Grandma Eslin has volunteered to take Abigail and Grace overnight before they start school next week. We’re going to Erawan before hand. 🙂

One thought on “Potty Training and Lake Powell”

  1. Yes I did volunteer to have Abigail and Grace for a sleepover. What fun we had!
    Sleeping 3 to a bed, I won’t recommend, but I was alright. We baked cookies, played dressup, played cards, laughed and had a great time. Give Brian & Julie credit for raising beautiful, well behaved girls. I love this Elcock family very much.The rest of my grandchildren, get on line, so I will be able to know what is going on with you and your precious children. How blessed I am to have such a wonderful family. Love to all that read this.Great-grandma, Marilyn

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