Going home

Looks like we’ll all be heading home tomorrow for the funeral on Monday. It should be an interesting flight. Luckily the flight was about 40% cheaper today than it was when I checked it last night, so that will help. But it should still be interesting. Abigail was on a plane 2 or 3 times the first 2 or 3 months of her life, but she hasn’t since. None of the other girls have been on a plane, and not even Julie has flown since 9/11. It should be fun to watch us go through security. I also checked what seats we’ve been assigned on this completely booked flights, and we’ve all been assigned separate rows. I would imagine we’ll be making some other people mad when the airline lets us sit together. I look forward to all the comments, both repeatable and not so much. Of course US Airways seems to enjoy annoying me and other travelers, so who knows what will happen. Hopefully they will disappoint me this time and actually provide good service.

On another note, Julie has been playing around with our little camera and PhotoShop. She seems to be getting more interested in it all again. She took a bunch more pictures today and posted them to flickr:


She’s even putting her signature on them now. She’s very fancy.

The weather report for the last 3 days has said that it was going to be 30, but it’s never gotten above 18. Even now, it says that it’s 18 here, while saying that the high will be 31. I would imagine that it will be a bit warmer in AZ, although the forecast does look a bit cool the next few days (by Phoenix standards, that is).