
Just a quick update here, I suppose. We finally had a Saturday that was somewhat our own this past weekend. So that meant we were able to relax. Uh. Maybe not. We used the time to do some much-needed cleanup. We *still* didn’t have a garbage can on Saturday (it did show up in the driveway today), so I took a bunch of trash up to one of the nearby dumpsters. Then, since we finally got a garage door opener, we decided that we should try and put the cars in the garage — which was no small task, mind you. It required that we move the hot tub that was up against the back of the garage. We had to move it about 30 feet or so, which was interesting. It was lying on its side on top of a blanket. We had to kind of drag/push/pull the thing across the garage. I was sore for a few days. We also had to move the freezer and everything else in there. In the end, it all worked out.

As we were finishing up an early dinner around 5:45, we got a call from the neighbors across the street. They were hosting a game night, and we were invited (the girls too!). It was going to start at 6 and I hadn’t showered all day. So we cleaned up really quick and went over there for a few hours. It was fun. All the kids went down in the basement while we played different games upstairs. I think it was good for Julie to get out a bit.

Monday night, we went to Julie’s old stomping ground, Trafalga (or Aglafart, as they used to say back in the day), for some miniature golfing and fun. Miraculously, we made it through all 18 holes without losing any golf balls and without Lucy jumping in the water. I even got a hole in one at the end and got a free round for next time. Abby got a hole in one on one of the holes as well. It was very exciting. Julie put up a few pictures from the outing, so you can check it out.

Susi got her iMac last week and I only got one phone call. That means that she either loves it or loathes it. Hopefully it’s the former. Either way, UM, it’s not my fault. 🙂

The weather has been interesting. We’ve basically been breathing in dirt since the whole inversion thing started. Hopefully we’re getting some wind and snow tomorrow to get rid of it. And hopefully there will be some snow left when Mikey and Ali come to visit us in a few weeks.